Baby Hoodie

Baby girl
(c) Jenny McKelvie

The word ‘hoodie’ can have some negative connotations, but we have found our Baby Hoodie invaluable.

Keep Little Ones Warm

We make a lot of trips around Scotland in winter and this reversible travel hoodie is handy for keeping our toddler warm both in a buggy and a car seat. The manufacturers, Morrck, reckon you can use it for children aged up to 4 as well as with smaller babies. We use the Baby Hoodie mainly in the pushchair. Velcro makes it easy to fit and we simply wrap her up to keep her snug. You can also use it in a car seat, or even in infant seats in supermarket trolleys.

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InsiderScotland Rating

We Liked: The fact that the harness straps of our pushchairs and car seat slotted through the hoodie, meaning that the baby could be easily wrapped up.

Not So Good: We felt that the baby might get too hot on longer car journeys if the heating was on.

Performance 8/10

Looks 8/10

Value for Money 7/10

InsiderScotland Rating 8/10